Introducing...The NuRange Cold Brew Latte!
You caught us. Last blog we said we’d be updating more regularly, but hey, we’ve been busy in the kitchen. So much has changed for NuRange over the last month, and we couldn’t be more excited about what we have to share. We figured it was time to switch things up, so we went and released our NuRange Cold Brew Latte.
Cold Brew Latte you say? You heard right. Last Friday we finished production on our new line of coffee and we’re absolutely stoked about the finished product. Featuring a coconut cream base, this latte is once again…the first of it’s kind. That’s how we like to do things around here. We see a hole in the market, and we rush to execute.
Cold Brew Latte, First Of His Name
Right now on the market, there’s nothing like this. Yes, there are tons of RTD cold brew Lattes. However, none feature a coconut cream base. None are shelf stable. None taste as good as ours. We can guarantee NONE feature the nutritional panel that ours does.
Why Coconut Cream?
So why did we use the coconut cream? It’s for two reasons actually. First, taste is paramount. Let’s face it, dairy is dead. It’s an unsustainable industry that quite frankly, produces an inferior product. As we looked to dairy alternatives, most fell short. They lacked flavor, viscosity, and mouth feel. In short, they were watery and grainy without much taste. Coconut cream provides a more flavorful product.
Second, is for your #health. Coconut cream is so strong that it allows us to use less of it to make a latte product. Our lattes have half of the calories and sugar content that our competitors do. This means that you can drink us regret free. The biggest issue with lattes to this point has never been taste, its just that you can’t commit to #hotboysummer if you’re slugging five a day. We think that we’ve fixed that problem.
Coconut cream is also packed full of MCT oil. MCT oil is full of healthy fats that are good for your body from top to bottom. Rather than dive into the science behind it, we’ve found this incredible article that will handle all of the science speak for us.
For The Vegans
But we haven’t even mentioned the best part about the Cold Brew Latte. Since we use coconut cream, this baby is VEGAN. That’s right. V-e-g-a-n. There’s a whole group of people who typically cannot enjoy lattes because of the dairy products in them. So, we figured let’s invite the vegans to the party.
So let’s check at where we’re at right now. Coconut cream? Check. Vegan? Check. Shelf Stable? Check. Best of all, these puppies taste GOOD. The nitro makes them smooth and foamy, and the flavor profile has them sweet and chocolate forward. We can confidently say that this may be our best coffee yet. The only issue is that we might drink all of them before we can sell them.
Those CANS Tho
Now, let’s take one second here and admire the can. This beautiful shade of lavender will stand out on any shelf AND look good on your Instagram. Heck, it looks good on our Instagram. We switched some things up otherwise on the can, making the text clearer and adding some fresh white lines to keep things light. You can expect to see some of these changes on our other cans moving forward because these puppies are CLEAN.N